Going back to Easter
Eve 2014 and looking ahead to the next morning, I know now I would
without hesitation choose what was about to happen. Were the choice
mine, I would take what happened over winning a billion dollars in
lottery gold.
One reason for this
is I've always been a tad superstitious. Often joked that the same
infinitesimally small odds of Fate smiling upon me in a way that
would bring unimaginable riches could as easily bestow a frown
carrying proportionally hideous fortune.
I would not turn the
gold away. Yet along with the delirium of my life-changing bank
deposit likely would arrive a vague unease. The possibility of an
abrupt turnabout in Fate's fickle nature, now that she had plucked me
out of the muddling crowd, would attend as a Damoclean sword at the
end of an invisible thread suspended above my head indefinitely from
somewhere in the cosmic haze.
But this is not why
I stopped buying lotto tickets. My “lucky” number, now forgotten,
might well since have brought material wealth to another mortal who I
pray enjoys the windfall in good health.
My fingers hesitated
a beat before typing the word “pray” in the above sentence just
now, as they routinely did before the event of Easter 2014. My prior
hesitations had to do with trying to stay true to my beliefs, or my
lack thereof, by making sure my usage of “pray” could be taken in
its secular sense, much as “love” is used at the end of a letter
to a friend implying nothing more compelling than simple affection.
Yet, just as there are special times when “love” is intended with
the full, unambiguous extent of its power so can “pray” at its
maximum carry an appeal beyond the tepid wish for simple good luck
with no mystery strings implied.
My intention with
“pray” in the previous paragraph was to imply the strings. I've
been learning to use it this way since Easter, as a child learns to
walk or to speak.
Until this Easter
the only consistency in my spiritual progression had been a vague,
uncomfortably childish superstitious nature regarding circumstances
beyond my immediate control. A sort of low-grade neurotic sense that
someone “up there” might have his eye on me and could make
pleasant things happen for me if I did right, and could mess me up if
I didn't. In the middle grades I had a friend whose father was a
pastor. Russell was bright and fun, but he had one odd trait:
whenever he cussed he'd immediately say, “Excuse me.” He wasn't
saying it to me or to anyone else in our group, but quietly, to
himself. It was a semi-private little ritual, the way a Catholic
makes the sign of the cross. I don't recall ever mentioning it to
him, and I grew accustomed to it.
I remember my father
as an avowed atheist who fancied himself something of a psychic. I
don't believe his atheism was as firmly established in his mind as
the feeling that he possessed extra-sensory powers. He was a lawyer,
and as such loved to argue. He would boast that he could take either
side of an argument and win. I never heard him discuss religion with
a believer unless it was to mock my mother's quiet Lutheran faith or
to threaten her pastor with stopping our dues when he dared come by
the house to protest my membership in the Boy Scouts. I admired my
father for the latter, his standing up for me, but even at this
tender age I recognized the cruelty to my mother and I shared some of
her pain.
Despite my father's
attitude we attended church as a family, but only on special
occasions such as funerals, Easter and Christmas. My father behaved
then, but perhaps only because in our small town he had to consider
his reputation among potential clients and, being active in local
politics, the voters. Only one such occasion sticks in my mind—a
Christmas, I suspect—and this is because of something my parents
discovered early in the service. I like to think my father noticed it
first, but it might have been my mother. They both enjoyed it
immensely, and shared their delight with my sister and me afterward.
They were too discreet to point it out during the service, assuming
correctly that we kids would be unable to contain our mirth. What
struck my parents at first was the odd shape of the shoulders of a
man sitting in the pew directly in front of us. He was wearing his
overcoat. Eventually the silver metal hook of a wooden hangar
revealed itself peeking above his coat collar to solve the mystery.
This was around the
time, or perhaps I was a little older, when I threw myself into
faith. I thought I believed in a Lutheran God, went to church,
prayed, kept a journal, looked for signs. I tried summer Bible
school, which met on Sundays after church or between the early and
late services. I didn't last long. I liked the teacher, at first. He
was pleasant and low key, not preachy.
I was innocent of
the term “fundamentalism” and had no concept of its strict
approach to Bible interpretation. Despite my reliance on emotional
reaction in most instances I had begun to feel an incipient curiosity
urging me to question things despite the apparent authority behind
them. My father's habit of skepticism likely had infected me, and it
might have been my teacher's suspicion of this that colored his
response to my two questions, each of which he abruptly dismissed,
leaving me disenchanted more by his irritated tone than by the
answers he gave. My father in fact had contributed nothing directly
to either question.
One had to do with
the age of humankind. The teacher said it was around six thousand
years. I mentioned an article I'd read in Life about
radiocarbon dating that indicated the age of prehistoric hominids to
be in the millions of years. I suspect I called them “cave men”,
because my teacher responded in kind, pronouncing “cave men” with
a sneer and denigrating my source as virtually evil next to the Holy
Bible. I trusted my source, yet I knew better than to argue. The
teacher's response shocked me, but it left me confused rather than
The other question
was equally innocent, sprung unplanned during a discussion of the
Devil appearing before and speaking to biblical characters. I asked
why the Devil did not appear to us in this way. The answer was a good
one. Perhaps the evil one appeared to us more subtly, say, in the
form of money, my teacher answered. Yet, his voice carried the same
condescension as it had with the other, making it clear such
questions were inconvenient and unwelcome. No one else participated.
I wonder today what might have come to pass had just a single
classmate joined me in these queries.
I believe my
exchanges with the teacher came during two separate sessions. It was
the second that disillusioned me so completely I dropped out, for the
summer and for good.
For the bulk of my
life thereafter I drifted spiritually, although a pilot light of hope
for finding some redeeming entity continued to flicker throughout my
rambling journey. The term “pilgrimage” may seem apt, but I was
no pilgrim. I traveled without compass or plan. “Vagabond” might
be more appropriate, but Walker Percy's “wayfarer” plays gentler
on my palate.
Yet neither is this
precise. Not for then. It fits today, as I find myself on a steadier
course. Then, my progression was less directed, more like a pinball
bumping among various notions and pausing to ring up the lights at
whichever idea struck my fancy in the moment. My wayfaring took place
mostly in books.
Some of it stuck.
From my flirtation with Buddhism I keep catching jars in strategic
locations in my apartment. Most every creature with which I choose
not to share my abode, from flies to wolf and brown recluse spiders,
get a free ride to the glorious outdoors. That is if I can catch
them. The only recluse I've seen thus far, scuttling confidently
across my bedroom carpet, scuttled happily into the former
yogurt-making jar, moments later to dance away into the welcoming
arms of the boxwood bush under my kitchen window. The wolfies are
quicker and wilier. The three I've engaged most recently—two in the
kitchen and one in my bedroom closet—have eluded eviction. I'm
guessing their lone encounters with me have reinforced their instinct
to stay hidden in my presence, as I have not seen them since. I
understand they will bite, but I keep a careful eye out to avoid any
surprise close encounters. Even the occasional mosquito gets safe
passage provided she cooperates. If she makes it clear her blood
appetite overrides her good sense my patience in a flash can give way
to ruthless action.
In sum I have
benefited significantly from the lowered levels of irritation and
hostility these creatures once engendered in me. I've moved
incrementally toward the clearer mindset from a moment of acceptance
I no longer remember in particular. The credit might go to the
Buddha, or to a whim from within. No matter. It's become part of my
My readings have
neither been extensive nor methodical. They've been limited mostly to
fiction, but to a fairly eclectic sampling. Notions that impress me
enough to hold for reflection come from diverse sources. Norman
Mailer, for example, caught my attention with his theory of an
existential God. This God, he said, is as uncertain about the cosmic
mysteries as are we. Mailer's God may feel in some sort of
competition with other potential gods in the realm of ethos. Moral
courage, he said, could be the fuel his God needs to sustain itself
and to prevail should such a competition be realized. The courage
comes from our actions as mortals. I do not recall if Mailer
addressed what might become of us after death, other than that the
courage with which we lived would live on within the God it fed. The
author, acknowledging human limitations, accepted in his writings
that one need exert with courage no more than fifty-one percent of
his energy at any given moment in order to be of value.
I was serving in the
military when I started reading Mailer, and his theory so intrigued
me I kept it with me for years. Around the same time for social
purposes I considered myself a Unitarian.
Love is the essence
that shines in Scott Turow's novels. Turow puts his theory forth
without Mailer's declarative thunder or his godhead linkage. Put most
succinctly, love between human beings is the essential antidote to
feeling utterly alone in an apparently indifferent universe. While
this as a concept could fit easily with more defined spiritual
theories and provide a comfortable foundation for agnostic or
atheistic outlooks, Turow is not so specific. His heritage is Jewish,
but Judaism does not appear defined as a theme in his fiction. Not
that I would recognize it without its ecclesiastical trappings if it
did. I am largely ignorant of Judaic doctrine, although a cousin
having made some genealogical inquiries believes our paternal
grandmother might have been of Jewish heritage.
I have friends who
are avowed atheists, with some more avowing than others. At a certain
point any avowing begins to resemble proselytizing, taking on an
arrogant, bullying aspect. Ordinarily I flee folks who seem bent on
getting me to see things their way, especially with religion and
politics. I see little value in challenging or merely questioning
“true believers” on their beliefs. At its worst challenging them
is counterproductive, leading to fights to “win”
rather than to persuade. I will stand against someone's actions when
I find them unjust. My response could include attacking their
motivating premises, be they religious, political or simply ignorant.
Otherwise my position is to believe and let believe.
My pilot light of
hope came near flickering out at times during this odyssey of
pinballing around the galaxy of theological notions. I suffered brief
episodes of despair so debilitating I had to remind myself to
breathe. The reasons rarely were unique--the usual ego torments that
can feel like death but make good fodder for merriment in retrospect.
What remains with me
from those times are two graces that hark back to my Lutheran days.
One is the Lord's Prayer, which I would recite silently to get me
through dark patches in the day. I did tinker with the wording at one
point, switching “lead me not into temptation” to “protect me
from temptation”, as it occurred to me no god worthy of trust would
lead anyone away from righteousness. These recitations could calm me,
give me the strength to move or to stay afloat. The other was the
image of Christ kneeling in prayer on Mount Olive. An image from a
famous painting, it was featured prominently in one of our church's
stained glass windows. Bringing the image into mind when nothing else
worked helped me sleep.
religiosity. Verbal and visual remnants of impressions embedded in
childhood, carried forward as iconic security blankets and sustained
by hope but unable to withstand the cool breeze of intellect. The
questioning nature I discovered in that summer Bible class stayed
with me too. Nourished by my vocation as a newspaper reporter, this
skeptical outlook matured into a stern adversary of unqualified
faith. The prayer and image continued to work, but it carried an
undertone of uncertainty. I was a secret thumb sucker, my faith
closeted behind a door of doubt.
As usual, I sought
answers in books. Wait, “seek” is not quite the right word. I
felt no strong desire to explore these questions, hesitant maybe to
face what I might find. As a writer I'm attracted to works by
accomplished practitioners of the craft. Three who happened to tackle
religion head-on were unable to provide satisfying answers. The
ferociously articulate Christopher Hitchens argued for atheism, while
novelists Flannery O'Connor and Walker Percy spoke as avowed Roman
Catholics. The problem with all three is that they based their
thoughts on the one book whose authority I find most questionable:
the Bible.
I shall not rehash
disputes over whether the words in this book are those of God or of
men to whom God might have spoken. My dispute is with Hitchens,
O'Connor and Percy for starting with the biblical assumptions that
the God in question was the universal grand designer and continues to
reign as the grand manipulator. I agree with Hitchens this most
likely is hooey. What I do like about his approach is an admission
that he sometimes wished he could believe in a deity.
Drawn to the
novelists' formidable narrative skills I came upon their Christian
faith incidentally and found compelling the outspoken strength of
their beliefs. O'Connor was raised a Catholic, and claimed never to
have doubted what she'd been taught. She was comfortable with the
“mysteries” of Christ's incarnation and the concepts of Heaven
and Hell. Irrespective of this the magic she spun with words has not
the power to reconcile for me the disparity between the Church's
intramural logic and the observable realities outside it.
Percy was Catholic
by conversion, and this after some dedicated reading of the likes of
Kierkegaard, Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. He cites Kierkegaard's
On the Difference Between a Genius and an Apostle as tipping
the scales for him. Percy saw the genius as the theorist, who bases
belief on the provable. The theorist as scientist reports
observations that are accessible to anyone. The apostle brings
“news”. In this context news comes from an unknown realm and must
be accepted on faith. Percy opted for the Church-embodied apostle's
report over the theoretical, which he blamed for such atrocities as
the Holocaust and what he saw as a general malaise in the prevailing
modern consumption-obsessed consciousness.
Thus when it came to
choosing the Church, he wrote, “What else is there?”
I'm not convinced.
While I respect verbal gymnastics, and can be awed to a stupor by
brilliant argument, I cannot agree with its conclusion unless I find
it irrefutable. I think slowly, the kind of student who is not
insulted when an exasperated teacher asks, “Must I draw you a
picture?” I'm not ashamed to nod my head. A spiritual descendant of
Doubting Thomas.
An event on April
20, 2014 brought about a disruptive see change in my
perspective. Looking back now it is obvious to me that a series of
seemingly unrelated circumstances laid the foundation for what was to
happen early Easter morning. Perhaps not surprisingly all of these
circumstances involved books.
The previous winter
I read an autobiographical account of the communist revolution in
China. The book was written by a woman who had lived in China then
and whose father, a Communist Party leader, had endured abject
humiliation and torture under the regime of Chairman Mao, arguably
the most evil human being in all of history. A friend who had lived
in China as a missionary recommended the book, and in gratitude I
gave her another book written by the same author. She reciprocated on
Easter Eve with the gift of a book by Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian
who converted to Christianity from atheism, became an evangelical
minister and eventually suffered more than a decade of torture in a
communist prison for his faith. His faith never wavered. It was so
strong that his example helped convert some of his captors to become
followers of Christ.
I read several
chapters that night. The graphic account of his ordeal so disturbed
me that it tormented my sleep. I found myself comparing the courage
of Rev. Wurmbrand and the Chinese official. Both had endured intense
suffering by dint of their faith—Christianity for one, communism
for the other. Despite their opposing values each man staked his life
on faith alone. I felt bereft. I felt shame that I had no faith that
could bear me through anything much beyond moderate deprivation. To
speak nothing of torture. In this respect I envied both men. But
shame and envy were not enough by themselves to ease my doubts.
Another worry
troubled me that night. I was stuck in a novel I was writing. This
was not unusual. For me writing almost anything, including this,
involves continually coming to the end of a path of thought and not
knowing where to step next. These moments can be terribly
disconcerting. Dread is a constant companion, and it often leaves me
close to panic wondering if even the path I've traversed was the
wrong one. I can't recall the particular problem that hung me up
Easter Eve, only that its combination with the febrile sense of
impotence Rev. Wurmbrand's book had triggered denied me more than an
hour or two of broken sleep all night.
I gave up and
crawled out of bed about 4:30, an hour earlier than usual. I turned
on NPR, as usual, and caught the tail end of a show I'd not heard
before: Blues Before Sunrise, a Chicago-aired program hosted
by Steve Cushing. I was finishing breakfast when Cushing read the
list of artists he had featured. I heard the name “Jump Jackson”,
and nearly choked on my toasted bran muffin. Or maybe I nearly spit
coffee on the damned thing. Whatever. “Jump Jackson” meant
nothing to me, other than as the name I had made up a month earlier
for a symbolic character in the novel that had me stumped.
I had started the
novel mid-March, soon as I moved into my apartment after my ex-wife
and I finally sold the house we'd put on the market around the time
she decided to divorce me after twenty less-than-blissful years. This
is incidental, by the way, to the epiphany I experienced when I heard
Steve Cushing pronounce the name of my invented character over the
airwaves at about 5 on Easter morning.
Forgive me, if you
will, for the mix of voices I find myself using here. Revealing my
awakening is awkward, as I've yet to settle this new outlook
comfortably among my regular personae. I have used the expression
“Jesus freak”. I have denied Him countless times. I still slip,
daily. I know it will take awhile. I've been touched, gifted from
beyond all reason, and I have never accepted compliments or gifts
But it isn't just
Jump Jackson. It's a combination, the old one-two. The first punch
hit me about thirty years earlier, coming as only a love tap, also on
Easter. And it involved another novel. My first attempt. It never
really got off the ground, and I do not remember much about it other
than that it starred a giant twister. I'd done some research on
tornadoes. I knew the plausibilities of size and duration, and I
thought I knew the directions they routinely followed. My tornado
would originate over St. Joseph, Missouri, coincidentally the point
of origin for Pony Express runs. I don't believe this had much if
anything to do with the story.
My tornado would
cross Lake Michigan before it ran out of steam. I knew it couldn't go
much further than the lake's opposite shore, and I studied the
Michigan shoreline in an atlas for an appropriate location. I wanted
it to have some significance, yet I had no idea what that might be. I
was fishing, day after day. I know now this might simply have been an
excuse not to write, a hazard I've since found to be common. But
then, a novice in the craft, I took my failure to find a significant
end point for the tornado's path as a true crisis. Despair loomed, as
newspaper headline writers are wont to say.
That Easter morning,
with panic hovering over my shoulder, I took a magnifying glass and
began to search once more, resolved to stay at it until I found
something. And I did, within minutes after making the commitment.
There it was, right at the edge of the lake: St. Joseph, Michigan.
The effect was
electric. It washed over me like a warm wind. It wasn't enough to
make me pious but it commanded my attention. It gave me a new and
intimate appreciation of a holiday I'd never made much more of than
candy, bunnies and colored eggs. More importantly, as I see it now,
the experience gave me a mystical encouragement for my desire to
I've never felt the
call to try my hand at spy novels, but I've read a lot of them. One
of the spy world's trade-craft maxims these novels taught me was the
coincidence rule: one time is probably random. Twice, it's a
different story. The second coincidence must be regarded as designed.
Jump Jackson was my second. I'm not a spy, but I cannot ignore the
odds. Too lazy to try the math, I couldn't tell you what the chances
might be for two novel Easter surprises thirty years apart. I think
it's a safe bet, though, they would correspond nicely with hitting a
hefty lottery jackpot.
Would I rather that
had been the case? Not on my life.
(posted 19 Dec. 2014
as a comment on Ed Gorman's blog)
Why must we accept
the Bible literally to believe in God, especially as it claims the
hardest thing of all (for me) to believe, that God created anything?
Is it irrational to think that maybe we created God? Not in
the sense suggested by some cynical philosophers of a God of the
imagination, same as our childhood invisible friends, but something
of us that survives after death--call it soul or spirit? Consider
that the spirits of all beings coalesce into something akin to Jung's
collective unconscious, growing continually and perhaps reaching into
the living to inspire, console, even to guide those who are
"Intellectuals" likely would have laughed at the idea of radio waves in the days before they were proven. We know brain waves are real, measurable scientifically. Could they, do they survive as a dynamic, perhaps interactive essence beyond corporeal life? Can it be proven they do not?
"Intellectuals" likely would have laughed at the idea of radio waves in the days before they were proven. We know brain waves are real, measurable scientifically. Could they, do they survive as a dynamic, perhaps interactive essence beyond corporeal life? Can it be proven they do not?
Gosh, Matt, it's been a while since I've read something of yours. You have a gift for keeping the reader dangling, waiting for you to reveal whatever it was that changed you from an atheist back to a believer. Your way with words is trademark Matt Paust. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, Lezlie. Such praise from you is indeed an honor.
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ReplyDeleteElsa, I just now found your comment on my "Jump Jackson" post. Sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge your visit!